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PLATINUM WIRELESS ACCESSORIES, INC, a  robust &  new innovative company where we brand and  distribute cellular accessories and consumer electronics world wide in today's industry. we are adept with  cellular accessories with a broad spectrum of accessories channeling OEM (original equipment manufacture) and generic (aftermarket ) ..We specialize in impulse and lucrative  product line such as CHARGERS,BATTERIES,CASES,HEADSETS, USB AND ETC ...


It's our due diligence that we remain highly focused with great customer service & satisfaction , where we  manufacture our product line overseas and adhere to the best factories for quality and eco-friendly packaging to insure not only helping the environment but our market as well. our branded product line have a 1 year warranty and with a certification that all product pass inspection with our factory to maintain best quality product for consumers & fruition..our return ration is .05% in which  we have a tech support dep't  that facilitates with returns to  any defective /damaged product will be exchanged at no cost to consumer..



PLATINUM WIRELESS ACCESSORIES  cater to  customers globally, and channel anywhere from DISTRIBUTORS,RETAILER,E-TAILOR,FITNESS CENTERS,GAS STATIONS AND CONVENIENCE STORES..we also, specialize in rack program set-ups mainly for fitness centers, gas stations and convenience stores, where they don't have the hassle carrying our product line all is set-up on a rack with impulse items locks and replenishment codes...

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